Saturday 30 April 2022

The Power of Mindfulness In Self-Care

 By Leila

From the moment you wake up, your mind begins to run through what you need to do during the day.

This is okay because well… life has to keep moving, bills need to be paid, you need to advance in your personal life… the list goes on and on.

This causes the mind to always be on rush mode and you will find yourself not relaxing and enjoying your breakfast, feeling the fresh air, enjoying your shower or observing the weather.

You may even miss out on your neighbor's or family's 'Good morning' greeting.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is described as being in the moment; allowing yourself to feel what you're feeling, awakening your senses by taking note of your environment and focusing on the present and what's in front of you.

Mindfulness or living in the present is very powerful. It contributes to having a positive attitude, smiling more and enjoying life.

Lack of mindfulness on the other hand is detrimental to your mental and emotional health because it increases the levels of anxiety, apprehension, nervousness and increases the negative thoughts and attitudes.

Is mindfulness related to self-care?

Yes, mindfulness is a form of self-care and self-care is taking care of your wellbeing.

 Mindfulness allows you to stay grounded by opening up your senses to feel and experience your surroundings.

When you choose to be mindful, you notice the good things in front of you such as:

  • The weather

  • Fresh air

  • Soft breeze

  • Your neighbor who is always thoughtful enough to greet you with a smile

  • The taste of your meal

  • Your co-worker's beautiful outfit or shoes

  • Your beautiful smile and gorgeous self.

All these things make you smile as you go through your day.

As you allow yourself to live in the moment and experience these great things, you will notice an increase in your positive energy levels and thoughts.

How does mindfulness impact mental and emotional health?

Living in the moment increases your level of awareness and attention to your emotions.

You allow yourself to feel what you feel hence you're able to manage your emotions effectively and reduce impulsive behaviors.

You also notice your behavior patterns and are able to develop new habits which help you become a better human being.

This contributes to your happiness hence improving your mental and emotional health.

Being in the moment and allowing yourself to feel and experience the present, enables you to handle problems effectively while taking off the pressure of overthinking.

So, yes… Practice more mindfulness, be here…right now. It's good for your mind and spirit.

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthcaretips #selfcare #wellness #wellbeing

Writer's bio

 Leila is a Content Writer by profession and the lead writer at Let's Talk Blog and Bold Millennial Boss Blog.

She says, "I believe that self-love is the beginning of healing. When you heal, you glow more, impact more lives, love healthily, confidently set boundaries and set your soul free.

Love yourself. You are worth it!"

Blog links:

Let's Talk Blog

Bold Millennial Boss

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