Saturday 10 July 2021

5 Reasons Why Singlehood Is A Gift

By: Leila


Singlehood is a great place to be. It is fun, free and full of self-discovery.

When you're on your own, you tend to focus on yourself and how to be better.

The focus moves to building important relationships such as family and friends.

Personal growth is a crucial part of singlehood. You're free to register for a new course, build your career, switch careers, improve your financial literacy, read as much as you can, travel and build your individual self.

It's also a great time to heal yourself mentally and emotionally.

Since time immemorial, adults have been automatically expected to couple up and contribute to growing the population. It's an unwritten societal rule.

Courtship and matrimony are beautiful. However, we cannot all get there at the same time.

So while you're single, how can you fully benefit from it and enjoy it? 

This is why singlehood is a gift:


Spending more time alone allows you to practice constant self-reflection, build character, modify or create healthy habits.

In the quiet moments, you get to silence your mind and listen to your inner voice. This is easy in solitude.

Self Discovery

Being single allows you to freely try so many things until you find the one that works for you such as cuisines, outfits, colors, dating partners, jobs, businesses, courses, side-hustles, workout routines, healthy lifestyle options and hairstyles.

Self discovery is a never ending journey but as a single person, you get to accelerate that journey.

Discovering happy and pain triggers are crucial to your self confidence. You'll be able to manage your emotions effectively, articulate your desires and own your power.

It's also a great phase to use your time to find ways to give back to the society through volunteer opportunities such as visiting the elderly, children's hospital or homes, helping out at the homeless shelter or writing positive words to those who need it.

Giving back is a great way to discover and get in touch with your human side. It's the ultimate fulfilment of life.

Freedom To Advance

With all the time in your hands, you are free to try different career opportunities, attend courses and classes, read books, start side hustles and businesses until you find the one that is in line with your passion and talent.

You can choose to go back to school or pursue a Masters or PhD program.

Singlehood is very economical. You get to save alot, improve your financial literacy and learn about investment opportunities which will put more money in your pocket.


We have all been through something that we're trying to heal from. 

Healing is a personal choice. How you do it largely determines the progress of your mental and emotional health.

Singlehood allows you to take personal inventory and assess your inner self.

Through introspection, alone time and meditation; you are able to understand why you behave and think the way you do. 

You are able to identify your patterns and their effect on yourself and others.

You are able to properly take care of your mental health, set healthy boundaries, ask for help, understand the importance of giving yourself space to process your emotions and organize your thoughts. 

Healing allows you to understand that we are all imperfect by nature and understand how to coexist peacefully.

Building Networks and Seeking Adventures

Traveling is one of the most exciting part about being single.

You can wake up on a Saturday or Sunday and just get out of town for lunch or hike and come back at anytime. I've done it severally and it's exciting! 

In these adventures, you meet new people, make new friends, create memories and even create connections that will elevate your career!

It's also possible to meet your love interest while you're up and about discovering the world!

Use this phase to get out and find out what else is out there. 

Parting shot:

Singlehood is a great gift. Once you start looking at it with a positive attitude, you'll realize how amazing and enjoyable it is.

So single girl or guy, enjoy yourself and level yourself up! You are in a beautiful phase!

#relationships #dating


  1. Yaasss!
    I choose singlehood all day everyday!

  2. Found this on Pinterest.
    This makes me feel good about leaving my ex.

  3. Singlehood = freedom.

  4. On my self-care routine and bumped into this on Twitter...
    I love it!
    I'm a divorcee and this gives me a new perspective of my current phase.

  5. Very well said!!!πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½


Happy Holidays πŸ₯³