Saturday, 24 April 2021

3 Tips for Creating Affirmations and Intentionally Manifesting

By K Rei Alexander

(Feature Image—girl in yoga pose)

"You're telling me that my thoughts make things happen that I can't see?" 

-Richard, The Jackrabbit Factor by Leslie Householder 

As I was leaving for initial training to become a flight attendant 4 years ago, my friend 'Meerah gave me a list of affirmations she'd printed for me to keep me encouraged while I was away. I remember glancing over them as my flight took off to connect through Washington Dulles to my company's headquarters and then tucking them away in my ron-bag. I did not reach for this list again until months later. 

I honestly didn't know much about affirmations back then. Outside of being taught to pray daily, I had no idea that I could speak over my life or how repeating affirmations could positively affect my daily mood. 

What Are Affirmations?

If you google the definition of Affirmations, you'll find that the word means: "the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed." 

Similarly, when you hear people speak of daily affirmations, they typically mean that they are repeating positive statements to themselves until it is ingrained in their subconscious and becomes their reality. I like how Rebecca Hawkes phrases her definition over at

She says that "When we repeat a statement to ourselves that we want to be true, over time, we start to believe it because our subconscious can't distinguish between the truth and a lie. That statement then becomes our reality." 

Regardless of your spiritual or religious affiliation—or lack thereof—you will likely find it therapeutic to speak positively over yourself and your life. 

How to Create Affirmations 

It starts with you. Your wants, your desires, your visions, and your dreams. But it's more than just thinking or writing down what you want. A colleague shared a book with me a few years ago called The Jackrabbit Factor by Leslie Householder. 

This book helped me understand how to word my affirmations the old fashion way—through a story. I learned how affirmations encourage the subconscious and become the foundation upon which we can manifest our desires. Most importantly, I learned the importance of being intentional in everything that I do. 

There's this misconception that as long as you are vigorously affirming and manifesting your desires, they will magically fall in your lap, and your luck will change overnight. 

Sure, consistency is key, BUT HONEY HONEY HONNNEEEE... you have to do the work too! 

Below I named the basics I follow when creating new affirmations. 

1. Write it down! 

When writing your affirmations, my advice is to be direct, intentional and write them in the present tense. 

For example, if you have been saying/thinking "I will succeed," try "I am succeeding." 

Instead of "I wish I were in school," try "I am enrolled in school and actively engaging in my courses." 

2. Visualize what you write 

Some folks may tell you to be realistic. Who am I to tell you that your hopes and dreams are not realistic? Instead, I encourage being intentional so that you see yourself living and doing the things you are affirming when you visualize what you've written. 

I have a list of affirmations that I say at least once daily. When I say them, I try to see myself living the life and doing the things I'm describing. 

I try to visualize as often as possible, especially while meditating or during my self-healing Reiki sessions. But I even find myself dazing out while watering my plants or when meal prepping for work. 

3. Repetition is Key 

Write them down. Write them again. State them out loud. Read over them! REPEAT! Just do it often, and again be intentional when you do. 

4. Be intentional 

I've been saying this over and over throughout this post "Be intentional." But what does this really mean? When I say it, I mean it as believing in what you affirm, which for some takes practice. If affirmations are new to you, so will being intentional. Keeping an open mind and working hard to believe in the words you are writing and saying is key. With practice and dedication, watch how easily your mind and circumstances begin shifting. 

Now for a bonus tip! 

Lately, I've been adding songs to a playlist that evoke the feelings, put me in the state of mind, or are just blatantly related to my goals. I belt these songs out loud, sometimes off-key, while I'm in the shower and sporadically listen to this playlist throughout my week. Adding to this playlist fills me with so much joy. Give it a try. You too may like it. 

Below I've included a list of affirmations to get you started. Practice saying these to yourself daily and use them to help create your own:

  • I am worthy.
  • I am love
  • I am loving
  • I am loved
  • I have all that I need to be successful
  • I am calm 
  • I am peace
  • I am beautiful
  • I don't let others thoughts or judgments affect me and how I move
  • I accept myself 
  • I am prioritizing my self-care
  • I am protected

Queen Guest Writer Bio:

Rei is a small town gal trying to conquer the world, one blog post at a time. She is a natural hair goddess with a slight skittle obsession and The Food Network addiction.

Whenever she's not reading or writing, you'll find her tending to passengers on either an E-170 or E-175 aircraft as a Flight Attendant. She is a multidimensional being pursuing a Master's of Mental Health Counseling degree from Capella University. She is dedicated to exploring modalities that focus on the whole person, the mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual etc.. Rei is also a First and Second Degree Reiki Healer learn more about Reiki and all things That Gal Rei on her blog

 In June of 2019, she published her first novella, Wishful Thinking

Read more stories written by Rei by following her author page on Amazon

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